Friday 25 February 2011

The translation of found objects into Jewellery

Stemming from some previous experiments, my aim was to encapsulate found objects in resin to make belt buckles and in doing so enhance, their physical appearance.
Tapes have been of recent interest to me, as they have interesting inside mechanical working mechanisims.
My aim was to use resin to enhance the external appearance, whilst preserving the outer casing inorder to beautify its outside qualities.
I chose to use tapes because there is an underlying connection associated with the social “cools” surrounding music culture.
It feels as if I am trying to make a connection with materials that relate to various subcultures. Are these objects perhaps communication tools with both myself, and the outside world?   These are objects that i can identify with, which i can  translate into functional jewellery?

I have been looking at the fascinating works of Japaneese sculptor Haroshi.
Haroshi creates art by recycling old skateboards and turns them into three dimensional pieces and sculptures. The connection I make between his work and his choice of materials, is that it reverts back to the subcultures that the materials started off in.
When viewing my own point of departure, it feels as though im trying to accomplish a similar thing.

 I sprayed the face using a combination of red, and yellow spraypaint. In doing so, one of my aims was to attatch the context of graffiti, or street culture combined with music culture.
Viewing the motivations of Haroshi,s work, I was aiming at making that connection.
Perhaps it never came through too successfully and in order to make a more concise connection, that is something I could definitely improve.

Judging by the final results of the buckle, I am happy with its, overall visual appearance, and the motivations behind the aim.
Technically somethings happened that were out of my control, however need to be rendered more appropriately. Im happy with the overall outcome, and plan on producing more "mix tapes" in the future, to see how far i can "play" this out.

 I designed a splash page on Photoshop, and i played around with different,  back round textures.
I entitled the splash page "Making tracks" to make reference to the context of the two types of material at hand.The idea behind the motivation was to bring them together to overlap the relationship of their meaning.
In order to strengthen the notion relating to tracks in their overlapping contexts, i related this to the contemporary musical term knowen as a "mashup."
"A mash up is created by taking two existing things, say a video or song, and combining them in a way that is highly unlikely, and yet entertaining at the same time."According to fletcher Beadon a capetown D.J.

1 comment:

  1. i want this belllllllllllllllllt


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