Friday 25 February 2011

Playing with tapes

Lastnite, the moon was enormous, a gaping hole in the dark sky.
As we were trying to sift through letters to formulate into words, i realised that scrabble is a bit like chess.
In the back of my mind and imbetween turns, i kept wondering about certain conclusions,im trying to get my head around surrounding my work.
I have randomly been collecting tapes, painting them, random colours and drawing patterns on them…Their seem to be a new interest in this particular found object.
Their is somehow a ‘coolness’ associated with certain objects, that relates to genre and subculture and a part of what im aiming to achieve is possibly to enhance the visual appearance of these objects to make them more intersting, in the context of jewellery.
Ive been thinking about transforming old tapes into belt buckles.I know its been done before in the kind of cheap, fashion statement type accessory, but ive, got a feeling i could take it a bit further, Im thinking of ways to enhance, the visual appearance, and change its visual qualities to some degree,  or just to a point where it looks like its meant to be worn.It feels at times as if the materials force me to think through them…..Its a bit like  raising the dead.
You breathe new life into it, and it has new function and purpose….Its as if creativity is the fuel behind thinking resourcefully.
Theirs quite a bit of thought that goes into the transformation of objects into functional pieces.
Ive been looking at what other people have been doing with tapes, and their is some very inspiring stuff out their.
I , like a biology experiment, decided to disect the tape and do a bit of a study with the inner workings. As i separated the A side from the B side, i had flash backs of the eighties, and how my brother used to ask my sister an i to shut up, when he was recording from tape to tape, as technology wasnt advanced enough yet to block out  external noise. How things have evolved!
Moving along, i got these ideas that i was looking at the heart of the situation, the very core of what drives fuels our emotions, what drives our feet, or tells a story, that theirs a history, a part of events, that people had responded to and experienced, and in that moment i temporarilly concluded that ,that may very well be the C side. Im going to impregnate the half section of tape in clear resin, with the buckle mechanisims attatched to the back.

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