Friday 25 February 2011

Experimentation with resin and found objects in Ironbridge 2010

Last year from October to December, i was fortunate enough to attend an artist in residency in Iron bridge Gorge in Shropshire-England. Iron bridge was the birthplace of the Industrial revolution. It was a very different to London, as it was very small, and rural.

As i was surrounded by very small communities, and small villages i was concerned weather i was going to find the resources, and materials i needed to make things. It was a very pleasant experience, as the program, was aimed for us artists to explore materials, and ideas, without the need for an exhibition. This gave me freedom, to step out of the market place and play with new ideas, without the pressures of survival.

I was fortunate to find most materials, such as tyres, cambelts, inner, tubes, and wheel chair tyres…..I also found a few rusted lock elements from an old suitcase, that i felt immediately drawn to. I decided that i needed to preserve these memories somehow…It was in this find, that i thought they could make interesting belt buckles.

This was the beginning of an experimental process, that lead me to the idea of the encapsulation of objects in resin.It was quite a rough cut process, working with resin, without a vulcanizer to remove, the bubbles, so their were with some of the results, a few air bubbles within some of the finished pieces. Some interesting factors did occur as i was forced to use elements for the buckle attachment mechanisms, straight out of the tip yard. I used an old dish washing rack, where i cut out some of the rectangles, and bent them, at a slight angle so they would be half submerged in the resin. It was a bit tricky but i was very happy with the overall concept.

 Im now pursuing this concept, and would like to achieve something with better results, being on home soil, with all the available tools and equipment.
Take a look at the short video, that i compiled over the duration of my stay….I made visual references of the places i visited and it illustrates a bit of the working process, as well as some of the found  objects,and other materials i collected. All in all it was rather an epic adventure.

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