This afternoon i went to Pietrmaritzburg to see a client who was interested in stocking Changeroom Products in her very stylish boutique.
They import recycled and eco friendly journals, bracelets, tyre belts etc from America as they cannot source locally...Well that was the case until she met me.
They are now officially stocking Changeroom products made from upcycled materials locally made, right here in South Africa.
I was curious as to how she percieved my work.
In a nutshell she explained that she liked the idea of them being recycled and she described it as having interesting visual appeal.
So their are two influences that have been pointed out.Firstly their is the idea of them being recycled, and then their is the the attention of creating works that are aesthetically pleasing.
This can be attributed to the materials at hand. I do feel that it has been a process of self improvement, and over a period of time products have been subject to change for the better.
I am elated that i am making a contribution to the environment without even being that concious of it. I know that i am drawn to the visual appeal of certain objects, tools which may be ways of communicating with the outside world.
Narratives that tell a story!
Like multiple strings of a puppet dictating the movement of its actions, i feel their are a numerous motivations behind the drive force of this creative process.
An additonal parrallell that draws me into understanding the ressurection of objects may be compared to one of a spiritual nature.
Like scripture quoted from the book of John, vs 3-16 says. For God so loved the world (his creation) that he sent his only son, that who believes will not perish,but have eternal life.
Like God believes in the death and ressurection of people, I believe that i can ressurrect the once,lost, broken and discarded, whilst renewing its purpose to perform with new meaning and function in a life beyond its origional intention.
This is in addition another way i can earnestly communicate with the outside world using found objects.
Thanks Chantelle from Pure for stocking my work, the shop looks great!
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